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  Work-life balance is dead. By this, I’m not advocating that you should give up your quest to have a fulfilling career and a thriving personal life, and I am definitely not saying that you have to give up one to have the other. I also acknowledge that we have a work-life problem, (51)but I’m arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it’s too limiting. (52) You see, language makes a difference, and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our actions.

  At the minimum, most of us work because we want to be able to support ourselves, our families, and the people around us. (53)In the ideal world, we’re all doing work that we’re proud of and that provides meaning and purpose to us. But even if your job doesn’t give you shivers of joy with each new day, working is a part of what each of us does and the contribution we make to society. When you separate work and life, it’s a little bit harder to make that connection. But when you think of work as part of a full life and a complete experience, it becomes easier to see that success in one aspect often supports another.

  Losing your balance and falling isn’t pleasant. A goal to balance suggests that things could get off balance, and that causes terrible outcomes. It’s more constructive to think of solutions that continue to evolve over shifts in life and work. Rather than falling or failing, you may have good days or better days or not-so-good days. (54) These variations are normal, and it’s more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving and changing, rather than a high-risk enterprise where things could go wrong with one misstep.

  How we talk to ourselves matters, and how we talk about issues makes a difference. (55) Let’s bury “work-life balance” and think bigger and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.

  51.What does the author suggest by saying “The work-life balance is dead”?

  A) The hope of achieving a thriving life is impossible to realize.

  B)The pursuit of a fulfilling career involves personal sacrifice.

  C) The imbalance between work and life simply doesn’t exist anymore.

  D) The concept of work-life balance contributes little to a fulfilling life.

  52. What does the author say about our use of language?

  A) It impacts how we think and behave.

  B) It changes with the passage of time.

  C) It reflects how we communicate.

  D) It differs from person to person

  53.What does the author say we do in an ideal world?

  A) We do work that betters the lives of our families and friends.

  B) We do work that gives us bursts of joy each new day.

  C) We do meaningful work that contritutes to society.

  D) We do demanding work that brings our capacity into full play.

  54. What does the author say about life?

  A) It is cyclical.

  B) It is fulfilling.

  C) it is dynamic.

  D) it is risky.

  55. What does the author advise us to do?

  A) Make life as simple as possible

  B) Talk about balance in simpler terms.

  C)Balance life and work in a new way.

  D) Strive for a more fulfilling life.


  51.What does the author suggest by saying “The work-life balance is dead”?


  【解析】题干问“作者说 ‘The work-life balance is dead’是什么意思?”。回原文找这句话,发现就是文章开头,这句话之后的 “By this, I…”表明作者开始发表自己的观点,不过前面几句话 “I’m not advocating(我不是在鼓励) … I am definitely not saying(我绝不是说) …I also acknowledge that(我也承认)…” 表示否定和让步,应该不是作者所要讨论的要点。直到 “but I’m arguing that(但我所主张的是)…”标志作者要阐述自己的观点,因此定位到“but I’m arguing that the concept of balance has never been helpful, because it’s too limiting.(但我认为平衡这一概念根本没有用,因为它太局限了。)”,选项D “ The concept of work-life balance contributes little to a fulfilling life.(工作-生活平衡的概念对充实的生活没有什么帮助)” 符合原文。

  52. What does the author say about our use of language?



  题干问“作者对我们在语言使用上有何看法?”,根据关键词“language”和顺序原则可以定位到第1段中的最后一句话“You see, language makes a difference, and how we refer to things matters because it affects our thinking and therefore our actions.(你看,语言是会产生影响的,我们如何称呼事物很重要,因为它影响我们的思维,从而影响我们的行动。)”,选项 A “It impacts how we think and behave (它会影响我们的思想和行为)” 符合原文。

  53.What does the author say we do in an ideal world?



  题干问“作者说我们在理想的世界里会如何?”,根据关键词“an ideal world” 定位到第二段的第二句话“ In the ideal world, we’re all doing work that we’re proud of and that provides meaning and purpose to us.(在理想的世界里,我们都在做自己引以为豪的工作,并且工作会为我们提供人生意义和目标。)”同时随后的第三句话 “working is a part of what each of us does and the contribution we make to society.。因此选项C “We we do meaningful work that contributes to society.(我们要做对社会有贡献的工作。)”符合原文。

  54. What does the author say about life?



  题干问“作者关于人生说了什么?”根据关键词“life” 和顺序原则可以定位到第3段(53 在第2段;55在第4段)。“ These variations are normal, and it’s more useful to think of life as something that is ever evolving and changing, rather than a high-risk enterprise where things could go wrong with one misstep.(这些变化是正常的,而且更有作用的想法是把生命看作是不断演变和变化的东西,而不是一个高风险的企业,即使一个错误就可能出问题。)” 四个选项中只有C “it is dynamic(它是动态的)”符合原文。

  55. What does the author advise us to do?



  题干问“作者建议我们应该如何去做”,根据题干中的 “author advise” 回原文去找建议性的语言及情态动词(如:should, need, must),而第4段中出现了“let’s (让我们……)” 表示建议的句式,因此定位到该段的“Let’s bury “work-life balance” and think bigger and better about work-life fulfillment to do a little less balancing and a lot more living.( 让我们埋葬“工作-生活的平衡”这一概念,把工作和生活的充实想得更远大、更美好,少做一点平衡,多用心生活一些)”这句话。选项D “Strive for a more fulfilling life(争取更充实的生活)”符合原文。



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